your question:

05/24/2023 Kenny

Hey Trevor, I was curious what kind of movies you like? I kinda take you for being a David Lynch kinda guy, maybe some Tarantino thrown in there as well. If you could list out some of your favorite movies and/or directors, I'd really appreciate reading it.
Also, not relevant to the above - Do you ever listen to the original Raging Wrath demo? If so, what do you hear when you listen to it? I still think that, despite sounding like shit, it's a GREAT show of young talent that hadn't been correctly honed yet.

my answer:

I can’t really stand Tarantino. Don’t get me started. Yes, Lynch of course, but I tend to go for a lot of film noir and ‘60s/‘70s American directors like Elia Kazan, Hal Ashby, Polanski, Cronenberg, John Huston. But I also love Ingmar Bergman and probably my favorite director is Andrei Tarkovsky.
I do not listen to that demo, although I had to in order to relearn that music; The sound quality takes me back to my bedroom and the smell of paint in Eureka.

Trevor Dunn