Damn it, why did it take me over 2 years to update this? I guess I got busy again. This year was over before it started; constant touring, and during the few weeks I have off in between I mostly clean my house, procrastinate, start to work on some of my own music, go see a few shows, buy thrift store vinyl and wash it with dish soap, frolic through the botanical gardens, polish my boots, then start packing again.

I assume, dear return-reader, that you’ve noticed I’ve answered a lot of questions on this site. A LOT of questions. They just keep coming. Some I don’t bother with. I delete them. Perhaps because they are offensive, irrelevant, boring, etc. I don’t like answering questions about other people. Go ask them. And by the way, if you’re going to return to this site to see my response, the least you can do is head over to the Riverworm Bandcamp page and buy ALL of my releases—preferably physical copies. I don’t understand how people don’t listen to CDs anymore. People tell me, “I don’t even own a CD player anymore”. So it broke and you just said fuck it and threw out all your CDs? WTF. I mean, the players aren’t that expensive. And CDs sound better than pretty much everything else. That’s just a fact of frequencies. Set one up in the kitchen and listen to a CD while you make coffee. It’s not difficult.

Whatever. I’m old school. I still have the cassettes I made in collage (in the ‘80s, baby) of 20th century orchestral and chamber music. I’d go to the university library media area, clandestinely move a tape deck over to the turntable booths, wire them up and pirate Lutosławski and Ives for days. Lots of obscure recordings that weren’t necessarily duplicated onto digital formats.

There’s too much music anyway. I can’t keep track. And with that in mind, I’ll write some more and put it out there. I know I keep talking about my “singer/songwriter” record, but that’s because I’m impatient to finish it, or rather, to find the time to finish it, so I’ll just keep hyping it to pressure myself. I swear it will be out by mid 2025. It’s called “Polyjealous” and a couple of the song titles are “Hoarfrost” and “Leechcraft”. I’m singing on everything save for one beat-based ambient vamp (for lack of a better qualification) that is built around a few wrong-number messages I received on voicemail several years ago. There will also be a cover of a very familiar hit pop song from 2007. I’m also starting to work on the next trio-convulsant avec folie à quatre which will be based on a Buñuel film. Also considering releasing some of my solo bass “Flexes for Carrietta White” pieces, like a ‘best of’ if you will.

Tomorrow I’m going to a wedding of some good friends and they asked me to play Retrovertigo, so I’m going to sing it with a few musicians backing me up. Later that night I’ll play two sets of jammy psychedelic dance music at Nublu starting at midnight and the following afternoon I’ll fly to Dallas to start the next Bungle run of shows. We’ll go to the UK and EU in June and then that will probably be it for us for a while, or maybe forever, who knows. I never seem to know the answer to that question. Then I spend 3 months straight with Buzz Osborne which will end on Halloween in London with me questioning my sanity.

Thanks for visiting.

video of the month:

Trevor Dunn